Fletching CE Primary School


At Fletching CE Primary school we aspire to deliver an inspiring curriculum for all of our pupils.

We are determined that every child’s learning journey at Fletching will develop the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century and that they will be able to take ownership of their own learning. Therefore, the 10 things are central to all our work and these are implemented across the curriculum, securing long-term memory and successful learning.

Through our curriculum, we want all our children to have the opportunity to have cultural and educational experiences to enhance their learning and understanding of the world. We have a high focus on developing fluency in reading, writing and maths knowledge and skills to ensure children are ready to apply these in abstract and creative ways.  We also have a particular focus on developing vocabulary through all subjects taught.  Our intent has been developed across all subjects so that children have the opportunity to think and behave like experts.  We have Forest School at Fletching C of E Primary so that children can learn outside which supports their personal and character development, such as resilience and independence skills, as well as supporting subject knowledge and skills. 

Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the RE curriculum. If they wish to do so they must contact the Head of School to discuss their request in more detail.


In order to achieve this we :

  • Draw up a curriculum framework which defines key skills and (where appropriate) context in each class on a rolling two year programme. 
  • Work in curriculum teams to lead and develop our subject areas.
  • Ensure there is progression in each subject by working in year group teams, planning and monitoring each subject.
  • Identify generic and subject specific skills on which planning for learning is based.
  • Regularly review long term curriculum planning to meet the needs of different cohorts and changes in class organisation and pupil numbers in order to build on previous experience and avoid omissions and undue repetition.
  • Plan, in the medium term, cross-curricular learning themes which draw together skills (and content where prescribed) from different strands (subjects) of the curriculum to offer integrated learning experiences which permit sufficient time to focus on learning, develop interests and allow for learners to contribute to and determine the path of learning. This includes the organisation of Theme weeks to enhance children’s learning and skill development.
  • Plan in Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural links in both medium and weekly plans.
  • Draw on latest development, best practice and resources to inform curriculum development, with particular responsibility for this resting with curriculum leaders






Phonics and Book Schemes

For Phonics we follow 'Little Wandle'. Children develop their ability to recognise letter sounds through the ‘Little Wandle’ Systematic synthetic phonics program and go onto blend for reading and segment sounds for writing words. Children learn how to form letters to begin to write short words and eventually sentences with finger spaces and punctuation.


Progression in Calculation

These documents shows you the progression of mathematical skills and methods in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Fletching Calculation Policy – Multiplication and Division 

Fletching Calculation Policy – Addition and Subtraction


Please find below our links to the Curriculum Overview for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2:

EYFS and KS1 Curriculum Overview

 Y2-KS2 Long Term Curriculum Plan

 Bluebell Federation Feedback Policy.pdf