10 Things to do before you leave Fletching
1 – Be Curious, ask questions and seek answers
2 - Learn outdoors and visit new and exciting places
3 – Celebrate differences in the world and it’s people
4 – Be happy, heathy and active
5 – Read with confidence and enjoy the world of words
6 – Become subject experts
7 – Act locally, think globally
8 – Learn how to stay safe
9 – Explore you’re creativity and develop your talents
10 – Be proud of yourself and all you have achieved
How the 10 Things link to each of the seven areas of the EY curriculum
1 – Encouraged and developed throughout all areas of learning.
2- Three trips are planned throughout the year linked to the learning and theme of topic in addition to the children experience a minimum of three community links a year.
3 – Through the curriculum area of ‘Understanding of the World’ and daily worship, our classroom reflection areas
4 - Taught through PHSE lessons and includes mental health and wellbeing. The pupils have a relaxation or meditation se4ssion for ten minutes every day after lunch and learn about the importance of relaxation and resting the mind alongside strategies to self-regulate.
5 – Key skills to read and enjoy books are taught through the Literacy as well as cross-curricular learning. The children receive daily reading and phonics lessons and regularly visit our school libraries.
6- Children are encouraged in all learning to share their unique qualities and demonstrate their abilities and interests as well as support their peers to learn new things and extend their knowledge to a deeper level of understanding.
7 – Taught through Picture News worships throughout the week, Links with the local community projects in every class and PHSE lessons.
8 – The children learn about staying safe through PHSE lessons, online safety lessons, and through communication and language, giving them the skills to communicate and explain their feelings. The children learn about mental health and wellbeing and the importance of healthy choices of a balanced diet and the importance of regular exercise in Physical Development and Understanding of the World lessons.
9 – Developed through the area of Expressive Art and Design and encourages throughout all areas of the curriculum and learning through play experiences.
10 – The children’s efforts and successes are celebrated, shared and enjoyed by the whole class with positive praise and rewards embedded in all we do. The children discuss and self evaluate their own learning and are given opportunities to revisit and further develop skills and areas of specific interest to the child. The children learn about self- belief, perseverance and resilience to be able to achieve as part of the whole school values.