Fletching CE Primary School

Fletching's 150th Anniversary

On Friday 27th January 2023 we celebrated Fletching’s 150th Birthday. It’s been 150 years since our current building was built. We have no set date as to when the building opened but decided we would celebrate today as this time next year (27th January 2024) will be our 200th Birthday since the school was founded. We will be having a year long celebration.

Mrs Orwin visited Ashdown Radio to speak with Peter Suter to kick off our 150th Year Celebrations. The children loved listening to Mrs Orwin speak about the history of the school and enjoyed the shout outs, we could hear all the children cheering from the office.

The children took part in a celebration assembly, exciting class activities/games, arts and crafts and created a whole school mosaic. It was lovely to have parents visit and join in with the celebrations.

A huge thank you to our special visitor, Mr Wigan for coming in to share his wonderful slideshow of the school during the Victorian era as well photos of the village. He spoke to the children about what life was like to be a Victorian at the time our school building was born.


On Saturday 25th & 26th February, Fletching village dedicated their Village History Exhibition to Fletching School's 150th birthday. They had a fascinating display of photos and documents detailing the history of Fletching, Piltdown and Sheffield Park.