Fletching CE Primary School

Grasshopper Class

Welcome to Grasshopper Class!

Our school value this term is 'NURTURE'.

Our project focus is 'to explore'. 

This term, our project is all about the

Victorious Vikings.

Below is our enquiry question linked to this topic.

What was their legacy?

What are the Vikings remembered for?

Above is our overarching enquiry question which is fed into everything we do with our learning about the Vikings. It is an 'ungoogleable' question where children make predictions and justify their reasons. It links with our Jigsaw units, our school values and the project we are exploring this term.

The children can develop their learning by branching out from the 'project' and setting their learning on a different path. They may find that they might come away from learning about the Vikings and onto something completely different that really interests them. It is going to be interesting to see where their learning takes them.


Below is our Knowledge Organiser for this term


viking knowledge organiser.pdf



Click here for Grasshopper's virtual library

Please see the link below to our Curriculum Overview:

Please be aware  that our KS2 Long Term Plan is a working document that is crafted by the direction of learning the children want to take. Therefore, it provides you with a skeleton plan which will increase in detail as the year progresses. KS2 Long Term Plan

 Below are links for the end of year expectations.


project map term 1.pdf





Homework Menu – Please click here for the Homework Grid. The children need to complete at least TWO of these per half term. They can do extra if they would like to. There is also a house point incentive. 

Reading – Please encourage your child to read at minimum of 3 times a week. The children gain a house point for their house team.

Click here for independent_reading_activities

Click here for Question Stems for Inference. 

Times tables – We are using Times table Rockstars to practice our tables. The children have be given their unique logins. Times Table Rockstars.

The 99 Club - The children will also have a multiplication activity to complete each week.

The 99 Club is a mental-oral starter at Bosbury School which aims to raise standards in maths through encouraging pupils to improve their mental calculations when attempting quick-fire multiplication and division problems.

The idea is that with repeated practice, the scheme should result in increased speed and confidence when tackling mental maths problems without relying on written workings and methods.

All pupils will begin at the 11 Club and work their way up, having one opportunity (Tuesdays) per week during the start of one of their maths lessons to answer all calculations at their current level unaided and within the allotted time of five minutes. 

If all of the calculations are answered correctly twice in a row, the child moves up to the next level!

Reading Stuck for a good book to read? Below are 100 books to be read by the end of Year 6. 100 Books 5 and 6 1 100 Books 5 and 6 2 100 Books 5 and 6 3 100 Books 5 and 6 4 100 Books 5 and 6 5  

Spellings Every Thursday, the children will be set spellings to learn. They well be tested on the following Tuesday. Please help your child to learn the spellings. Please help your child to learn how to spell the words from the Year 5/6 spellings list attached below. Please also look at the Year 3/4 list too. It is important they can write these words when dictated in a sentence. Spelling list year 5 and 6 / Spelling list year 3 and 4