Fletching CE Primary School

Our Vision and Values

Fletching CE Primary School is a small school with big ideas growing in the love of God.

We are an inclusive family that promotes a love of learning in a safe, happy environment.

Our Values


At Fletching Church of England School, we believe in "Letting your roots grow down into him, and letting your lives be built on him’’ (Colossians 2:7).  Our vision is to give everyone the opportunity and encouragement to :

 Be giving – caring with kindness and generosity;

Resilient - learning from all we do, including our mistakes and celebrating our successes; 

Loving - caring for one another and our environment

Wonderful- be proud of ourselves and others

Nurturing - listening and responding with respect;

Inquisitive and growing our minds - as we gain knowledge and skills;


This is our values tree which shows each of our values at Fletching, alongside our 'Ten Things to do Before you Leave Fletching' Poster!



Our Vision

Fletching CE Primary School we aim to offer an inspiring education for all pupils through having fun, going on learning adventures, exploring near and far, making friends, caring for our world and living healthy lifestyles. Our key learning behaviours of respect, perseverance, trust, caring and collaboration are embedded in our curriculum. Our teachers are inspiring educationalists who deliver learning in lively and exciting ways which enable all of our learners to set their sights high and reach even higher. They skilfully use feedback and questioning to empower pupils to strive for excellence and enjoy the journey of learning. We encourage pupils to be the ‘voice’ of our school and create confident individuals who are proud to share their passion for learning and life within our school and wider community.

We explore our own faith through our Christian ethos and ponder how our beliefs can help us tackle life’s ‘Big Questions’.

We want all our children to:

  • Develop lively enquiring minds and a love of learning
  • Recognise that learning is a journey and excellence comes through perseverance
  • Understand and question the world that we live in
  • Explore their own faith and spirituality Have high self esteem 
  • Work with independence 
  • Value and care for others 
  • Be successful
  • Have their achievements celebrated 
  • Feel safe
  • Become good citizens
  • Become positive contributors to their community and beyond
  • Care for their environment 
  • Be self-disciplined and courteous

We want all our staff to:

  • Continue raising our high standards of teaching and learning
  • Develop professionally
  • Promote our Christian ethos
  • Feel valued and supported
  • Be successful
  • Have job satisfaction
  • Enjoy a healthy work-life balance
  • Safeguard and promote the wellbeing of all children.

We want our governors to:

  • Work as friends and partners of the school
  • Know the school and staff well
  • Offer constructive advice
  • Promote our Christian ethos
  • Promote the school in the wider community
  • Provide challenge and accountability to school leaders
  • Safeguard and promote the wellbeing of all children

We want our parents to:

  • Feel welcomed in school
  • Support our school’s Christian ethos and close links with the church
  • Work in partnership with teachers
  • Be well informed by clear communications

We want the wider community to:

  • Develop good relations with our school
  • Broaden our horizons