Fletching CE Primary School

School Trips

At Fletching CE Primary School we bring learning to life! We aim to use the school grounds (inside and out) as well as the beautiful Sussex countryside to maximise our learning experiences.

Sometimes we invite visitors into school, such as animal handlers to help us learn more about particular types of animal. We have also enjoyed visits from a theatre company who helped us to fully immerse ourselves into life during World War 2 and much, much more. We also take the children on trips to visit places linked to our topic. Recent visits have included:

The British Museum to see Ancient Egyptian relics

The Ashdown Forest on the hunt for the Gruffalo

The Sussex coastline to learn more about the sea.

Every other year, we take pupils in Years 5 and 6 on a residential outing to the PGL centre in Windmill Hill, East Sussex. This is a wonderful opportunity for pupils to enjoy the many outdoor and adventurous activities on offer, learn to work as a team and have a thoroughly wonderful time!


We have also visited Knockhatch where the children had skiing lessons and watched the tennis at Devonshire Park in Eastbourne.