Fletching CE Primary School

Pupil Premium

Welcome to the Pupil Premium page. What is the Pupil Premium?  (click link to access government website)


What is Pupil Premium?

Schools are given an amount of money to spend, over and above their allocated budget, known as Pupil Premium. This additional money is given to schools to support the needs of pupils who are disadvantaged and at risk of underachievement. It is intended to support these pupils in reaching their full potential.

How is Pupil Premium allocated to schools?

The amount each school receives is determined by the number of pupils known to be eligible (currently or within the last 6 years) for free school meals (FSM). This is known as Ever 6 FSM. In addition an allocation of funding is made available for pupils who are Looked after Children (LaC), Service Children (children of armed services personnel at any time in the last 4 years) and for children adopted from care, or who have left care under a Special Guardianship Order or Residence Order.

Who decides how the funding is used?

Schools decide how funding is used and are trusted to ensure that it is used for its intended purposes. Schools are held accountable for how they use the funding and performance tables capture the achievement of pupils covered by Pupil Premium.

What are the aims and objectives on spending Pupil Premium funding at Fletching Primary School?

Pupil Premium at Fletching Primary School was spent in line with the agreed Pupil Premium Policy to support the progress and learning of FSM and other vulnerable pupils. The aim, as always, was to reduce the gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils and others at the school. We recognise that pupils may be subject to multiple disadvantages and that reasons for lack of progress or attainment may involve a range of factors, some of which are not easily affected by in-school actions.

How do we identify pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding and support?

We are committed to meeting the learning needs of all our pupils and ensuring that our provision secures the teaching and learning opportunities to meet the needs of all. During our Pupil progress reviews we ensure our disadvantaged pupils are discussed and assessed and any additional needs addressed. In making provision at Fletching Primary School we recognise that not all pupils who receive FSM will be socially disadvantaged and not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged will be entitled to FSM. 

How do we know we are using the Pupil Premium effectively?

The progress and attainment of all pupils is monitored closely through the schools extensive tracking systems. Pupil Progress Review meetings are held termly, when individual pupil progress and attainment is monitored and reviewed. Interventions and support are allocated and adjusted accordingly, to meet the needs of pupils across the school.


We are therefore guided by the following principles:

FSM will be the priority indicator for prioritising or targeting pupils for interventions, however, it will not be the only one and other indicators of need, risk of vulnerability will be considered. These are clearly set out in the pupil premium lists shared with class teachers.

The aim of closing the gap can only be achieved where actions result in vulnerable pupils being more included as part of the school community, not less. Actions should therefore aim to bring pupils and families from the community together.

While some actions directly focus on learning, other actions will be planned to support other factors which may impact on pupil achievement, for example, social, emotional, cultural or economic factors.


Pupil premium funding is allocated for individuals and groups of pupils identified as:

FSM and EVER 6 FSM pupils

Looked after Children

Children who we know have been adopted from care, or who left care under a Special Guardianship Order or Residence Order

Service children


 PPG Statements for 2024-2025